Thursday, June 7, 2012


I'm totally in. I've got a least 2 leftover ideas from the old days that I've been burning to create.

I'd like to suggest these guidelines for submission, going with the idea that we are using Dropbox:
1. All tracks must be titled (song title and band) and numbered in the order that you want them to be heard.
2. A cover image must be created and included with your tracks.
3. But liner notes and/or additional images/art/video/etc are optional.

I also happen to use Spotify on a daily basis and would be happy to post any albums I make on there as well. Does anyone else use this? Or would anyone else like an invitation to Spotify?



  1. I'm okay with making number 3 optional, although I'd prefer it to be more compulsory.
    But whatever.

    I'll add Spotify to the Links.

  2. Guidelines are critical. THis is a good start. Some additions:

    4. You have to actually have, you know, a theme. These aren't shuffles, damnit.
    5. Fill out all of the ID3 tags. Properly.
    6. If you use more than one song from a band, you have to write an essay justifying your devision to do so.
    7. Failure to comply with any guideline will result in a punishment to be determined by either Phil or Paul, as determined by a) whomever of those two was not guilty of the infraction and b) whomever of the two is feeling more impish that day.

    I'm sure there are many more good guidelines.

    1. Comments on guidelines:

      As per Will's 6) strongly encouraged that songs from the same band come from different albums and/or different permutations of the same artists (solo work, etc.) and that this may reduce the essay requirement to a paragraph.

      8. Since we're utilizing Dropbox, A "DVD" bundle including music videos is optional but could result in extra credit/hugs/forgiveness of violations of other guidelines, at the discretion of the Board (which I assume consists of all of us, plus a Capuchin monkey I just adopted).

      9. MP3 (for audio) and MPEG (for video) format only please, as these are universal formats. No AAC, MP4, OGG, etc. Make sure iTunes isn't tricking you into using AAC or Windows Media Player into using MP4, as they like to do.

      P.S. - I'm stoked. Already conjuring themes...

    2. Everything looks good so far, although I WILL say that if you can get your submission pressed onto a (very) limited edition vinyl, you win.
      I don't know WHAT you win, but you win.

      And I'd like to nominate this monkey as our mascot.
      Josh, what is the monkey's name and can we change it to "The Beatles"?

      Finally, as we are all creative types, I'd like to see if someone(s) could create a logo for BTM.
      And, down the road...t-shirts (chesty bonts), buttons (badges) or hats (head shoes)?

      I'm working on a little suttin' suttin' for now and you should see it soon.

      I'm also going to update in a few days with some past blasts.

      Plus, does everyone have a Dropbox account? I'd like to send out a test just to make sure we're on the same page...

    3. The monkey's name is Air Supply, but I guess w can change it to the Beatles.

    4. Congratulations, The Beatles, you are now the official mascot of Bite The Music REEEEEEEEEEEMMMMIIIIIIIIIIXXXX.
      Can we get a picture of our new lord and master?

  3. I am working on my submission as we speak. And I have Drop Box (Paul). And don't nobody send me .rar files because I think they are weird and they frighten me.

    Does anyone know a cool way to get the mixtape album cover to actually show up on your phone or whatever as the music plays? Otherwise mine will just be a picture alongside a bunch of songs.

    1. As far as pictures, you can go to go into iTunes, right click, go to "info" and there you can change the album title and artwork. I think that will work...

  4. I can not tell you how amped I am for this.

    FINALLY, a chance to use a photo of my tractor as an album cover.
